The following piece of code collects links in a Pligg database (but could be any kind of source like RSS feed...) and automatically builds and publishes entries in a blog using XML-RPC.
A small database class :
class DatabaseAPI(object):
def connect(self, host="localhost", port=3306, user="root", passwd="root123", db="mysql"):
import MySQLdb
self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
def disconnect(self):
def fetchall(self, sqlquery):
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
return cursor.fetchall()
A Blog publishing class :
class BlogAPI(object):
def __init__(self, urlapi, username, password):
import xmlrpclib
self.xmlrpclib = xmlrpclib
self.server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( urlapi )
raise Exception( "Could not connect to %s" % url )
self.username = username
self.password = password
def newPost(self, title, description, blogid = '1', publish = True ):
if description == "":
description = "<em>empty entry</em>"
post = {}
post['title'] = title
post['description'] = description
r = self.server.metaWeblog.newPost( blogid, self.username, self.password, post, publish )
return r
except self.xmlrpclib.Fault, fault:
raise Exception( fault.faultString )
Build the SQL query : all entries of current week
import datetime
dt = datetime.timedelta(weeks=-1)
today =
agelimit = today + dt
stmt = """
SELECT link_url, link_url_title
FROM pligg_links
WHERE link_status = 'published' AND link_published_date > "%s"
ORDER BY link_published_date DESC""" % agelimit.strftime("%Y%m%d000000")
Put everything together :
db = DatabaseAPI()
db.connect(user="user", passwd="pass", db="name")
entries = db.fetchall(stmt)
body = """
for entry in entries:
body += """
<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>""" % (entry[0], entry[1])
body += """
blog = BlogAPI("http://yourblog/xmlrpc/", "user", "pass")
title = "Links week #%s" % today.strftime("%W")
blog.newPost(title, body)
#python, #xml-rpc - Posted in the Dev category