Install a Javascript engine (like Mozilla Rhino)
sudo aptitude install rhino
Get the beautifier script (put it somewhere like ~/.bin)
Add the following at the end of beautify.js
print( js_beautify( readFile( arguments[0] )));
Create a shell script that will call it (like ~/.bin/beautifyjs)
#!/bin/sh java -cp /usr/share/java/js.jar ~/.bin/beautify.js $*
Make sure to set it executable
chmod +x ~/.bin/beautifyjs
Use it from command-line
At least to check that it works !
~/.bin/beautifyjs /your/file.js
Or in Geany Editor
Open a Javascript file
Open menu Build > Define Build Commands
Create a new entry (like beautify)
In command, enter the following
~/.bin/beautifyjs %f > /tmp/tmpfile.js && geany /tmp/tmpfile.jsIn working directory, enter %d
#tips, #javascript - Posted in the Dev category