Original post at Makina Corpus
Sometimes I look for something which seems so simple and stupid that I can't imagine it does not exist. It makes me wonder why and who is the fool. Worse, I can't be sure about my search keywords to prove me anything.
I just wanted to delete, reset or remove the validation errors of a single form field, within a django view, without overriding the form or field class.
A one-liner
aform.errors['afield'] = aform['afield'].error_class()
That's it folks !
- This will not affect other fields errors or non-field errors ;
- This will reuse nicely the field error class (ErrorDict or ErrorList) ;
- You cannot set aform.errors['afield'] = None or your form full_clean() will be performed again !
- Obviously, the ideal approach is to override your form clean() properly.
#django, #tips - Posted in the Dev category