Docker is very versatile, and can fulfill many (many) different use-cases. You've probably heard of it to put applications in production. Even though I wrote quite a few Dockerfiles to package and...
In this article, I gathered some good practices for open source projects. I made my best to keep it short and not too verbose. If you want to discuss, contribute or enhance this article, simply...
Deploying stuff in one command is becoming the Holy Grail of development, with currently ten times more blog articles than Medieval crusades :) I could not miss the opportunity to write mine !...
Ce qu'il faut éviter Pour annuler des commits, il existe la commande git reset. git reset --hard HEAD~1 HEAD is now at 444b1cf Rhoo Celle-ci est pertinente tant que les commits n'ont pas été...
Le problème Par défaut, un git pull est équivalent à git fetch et git merge. Les merge, c'est bien pour les branches, mais pour le tronc, c'est pénible : ça pollue l'historique et ça zig-zag...