News about Subtivals

Subtivals was used successfully in movie festivals in Cyprus, and that makes us happy ! And we regularly receive demands for Subtivals installers accross the globe ! The great unicode support of Subtivals (provided natively by Qt) makes it a great tool for movie subtitling on the international scene !

A new website... !

We used to host our main project page within a Github README file. We now have a dedicated website : !

It's still hosted and edited on Github <3, we thank them for that !

( Calibration tool in action )

Some new features in version 1.6

We added a shortcut editor, it's a great way to explore existing shortcuts, and thus prevent reading the documentation ! Plus, if Subtivals users have habits with former tools like Icareus Screen pro software, they can adjust the settings and use this great opensource alternative easily ;)

Also, Subtivals can now read plain text files. This appears to be useful for theaters or operas, since timecode notion is irrelevant in those use cases. We chose a very simple text format:

This is one subtitle!

Here comes another,
with two lines!

Timecodes are optional, but still supported :

00:00:19:13 00:00:23:08
À 24-25 ans, j'avais déjà un film
qui tournait en festival.

Get it !

Subtivals is released under GPL, this means you can use, access the source code, modify, package, distribute the software, as long as it remains GPL.

Like previous versions, we provide packages for Ubuntu. If you already installed it, it will be updated automatically. Otherwise, it's just simple as :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mathieu.leplatre/subtivals
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install subtivals

Demo versions can be downloaded though for Mac OS and Windows.

We still follow Bruno’s approach : we sell the installers on proprietary operating systems, in order to promote GNU/Linux.

#subtivals, #subtitles, #accessibility, #qt, #c++ - Posted in the Dev category